Report after finalized mission Please write in English as the report will be shared with the hospital leadership. Report to be sent not later than one month after the finalized mission. Please use the headings below as a guidance when writing the report. Name (obligatorisk) Profession (obligatorisk) Name of hospital or project (obligatorisk) Timeframe (obligatorisk) From to Your e-mail (obligatorisk) 1. Overview of work done 2. Overview of morbidity/disease pattern 3. Cooperation and planning with hospital leadership/admin 4. Comments regarding health staff (Cooperation with them, their need for support, development and training) 5. Training/education done with the hospital staff (Bed-side education with small groups, Formalised lectures, Courses, Other) 6. Comments regarding the hospital (How it functions, needs, localities, equipment, supplies. Think in relation to the hospitals actual level achieved in the national health system. Proposals for change will be easier to follow-up if they have first been carefully considered together with the local counterpart.) 7. Comments and suggestions to coming doctors/medical staff 8. Comments and suggestions to the hospital leadership and/or SLB 9. Other comments and/or suggestions 10. Add files if any